Archives for Reaching College Students

Soularium: A Dialogue in Pictures
May 18th, 2007 :: Posted by Jeff

From our May Newsletter

Something unique happens when we look at an image. Images connect deeply with our emotions and our experiences. They allow us to engage with people on a deeper level.

Soularium is a new image survey, providing 50 original photographic images and 6 simple exploring questions that allow the user to have one-on-one spiritual conversations with non-believers.

Questions explore people’s desires for their ideal life and spiritual journey. Soularium provides bridges to dialogue about Jesus. Staff and students who have field tested Soularium have found that they not only enjoyed using it, but non-believers found it intriguing as well.

Here is the story of how one Campus Crusade staff member used the survey:

“After hearing some good things about Soularium from some Campus Crusade Spring Break Conference attendees, I was excited to try it out. Last night I sat down with Travis (not his real name). He is a seemingly shallow, self-centered partier and has refused to attend any Campus Crusade or church events with his roommates.

“He picked out 3 pictures for each of the first two questions, which led to good discussion. Then he picked a picture that represented God, a picture of doors that are chained shut.

“With tears in his eyes, he described his less-than-positive church experience from junior high and how he’s been reluctant to attend any organized religious event since then. I could sense how deeply he had been hurt by his experience.

“We went on to discuss the difference between religion and knowing God. Without the Soularium cards, this conversation would never have happened. What an incredible tool for initiating gospel-centered conversations.”

Jeff designed and built a companion Web site, Responses to the Soularium image survey are entered on the site. Those who use the survey and the people they interview can discover what the trends are among other students around the nation or on a specific campus.

Off to Denver
January 1st, 2007 :: Posted by Jeff

I am heading to Denver today to attend the Denver Christmas Conference. This is a gathering over about 1000 students from Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming and other places.

I am going to be interviewing students at the conference to help me guide me in future improvements to I am looking forward to seeing several of the staff that we served with in this region of the country when we were field staff at Kansas State.

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