Back Home in Florida
March 22nd, 2006 :: Posted by Jeff

I arrived safely back home late Monday night from Budapest, Hungary. I don’t think our journey home could have gone any smoother. Unlike the trip over, I was the only adult along with the 9 teenagers that made up our ministry team in Hungary. My co-leader stayed a couple of extra days to visit several of her friends which were also fruit from her previous ministry times in Hungary.

I am excited about what we saw happen over the past week. I could not have asked for a better team of kids to lead. I am really proud of the hard work they put in and the servant attitude that they had throughout the week. We planted seeds that we hope others will harvest this spring or this summer through the SpeakOut English Camp.

One of our desires was to be an encouragement to the five short-term interns working with the Budapest team. Almost every one of them made a comment about how we had encouraged them through our hard work, our hearts for the lost Hungarian students and by our willingness to do whatever it took throughout the week. What an answer to prayer.

Fly home on Monday
March 19th, 2006 :: Posted by Jeff

Well our time here is coming to a close. It is exciting to see what God has done. My team of 9 students and one other Campus Crusade staff were able to graft into the Budapest team for a week and really accelerate their ministry. In a period of two weeks, over 2000 students had exposure to the Campus Crusade ministry in classrooms all over Budapest. Over 600 people came out to the Battle of the Bands outreach which is the largest outreach the ministry here has ever done. Many more students will go to the SpeakOut English camps this summer where they will hear about God and how they can know Him personally for an entire week as they practice their English.

We fly home on Monday and arrive in Orlando at 11:50 pm. Please pray for our day of travel and pray that we will get through customs quickly in Washington D.C. and make our connecting flight to Orlando.

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