Szia (greetings) from Budapest
March 19th, 2007 :: Posted by Jeff

Today I am enjoying some good time with my Hungarian friend Laci. I met him 17 years ago when I first came to Hungary on a summer project. I added a couple of days to my trip so that I could spend time with him and his family. They are about to have their third child so both of our families are on a similar life course. Laci directs the university ministry for Campus Crusade for Christ in Budapest.
On Friday, my team and I finished up our week of ministry in Hungarian high schools. We enjoyed going into the classrooms and having conversations with Hungarian students. I was able to talk a little bit about my faith in different discussions.

One of the highlights of the trip for me came last Monday. After school, I was out with Jillian and Caleb, 2 students from Orlando. We had the opportunity to talk with a group of 7-8 students. About 3 of them were very interested in spiritual things and we had the chance to share about our lives and give them 4 Spiritual Laws booklets. It was fun to hang out with them. One of the guys offered to buy me a beer which was a very gracious gesture. (I very gracefully refused but did my best to show my appreciation for his gesture.) It shows how much they trusted us and enjoyed engaging in conversation.

Later today, Laci and I are going to a university to try to talk with some students and share our faith. I look forward to a chance to do ministry with my good friend and do ministry in a university which I have not done in Hungary since we lived here almost 10 years ago.

Off to Denver
January 1st, 2007 :: Posted by Jeff

I am heading to Denver today to attend the Denver Christmas Conference. This is a gathering over about 1000 students from Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming and other places.

I am going to be interviewing students at the conference to help me guide me in future improvements to I am looking forward to seeing several of the staff that we served with in this region of the country when we were field staff at Kansas State.

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