After 20 hours of travel, we arrived in Budapest on Sunday night. Our trip went very well. All of our flights were on time and all of our luggage arrived safely in Budapest. A couple of the students felt a little sick on the transatlantic flight, but felt much better after we landed in Frankfurt, Germany.

Everyone was very excited and tired when we arrived in Hungary around 6 p.m. on Sunday. Many of them had to be up by 6:30 a.m. this morning to visit their high schools. Many of them got to speak to five or more classes today. They are very tired tonight but in very high spirits after their first day. They have been looking forward to this for the past two months. Several of them were able to have spiritual conversations in different McDonalds throughout the city.

We enjoyed snow flurries throughout the day. At least one of the guys in the group has never seen snow before. We have another busy day in the classrooms tomorrow. We are praying that more students will come meet with us after school.

Another praise for me was that I was able to connect to the Internet tonight so that I could post this update. I had been unsuccessful earlier in the day. Amazing what prayer can do.