Archives for Reaching College Students

Da Vinci Code Podcast #2 on iTunes
May 17th, 2006 :: Posted by Jeff

One of the resources that Campus Crusade put together to help Christians use The Da Vinci Code as an opportunity to dialogue about issues of faith is a podcast of Josh McDowell’s book, The Da Vinci Code: A Quest for Answers. This podcast is a dramatic reading of a fictional story in which three college students launch on a quest for the truth as they read The Da Vinci Code.

Josh has used a fictional format to address the fiction of The Da Vinci Code. Although The Da Vinci Code is a fictional book, Dan Brown tries mixes in a lot of fiction that rewrites historical fact. Josh’s book does a great job of exposing the truth and countering the deception of Dan Brown’s fictional work.

The podcast is available through iTunes, a place where many young people are purchasing music and engaging with the pop culture. The podcast of Josh’s book has climbed from #16 to #2 of the most popular podcasts on iTunes.

May Newsletter
May 15th, 2006 :: Posted by Jeff

Our May Newsletter is now available. I wrote about preparing for The Da Vinci Code movie, which will be released on Friday. I am also including a ministry report for 2005-06. My desire was to communicate what God has done through our ministry this year. I include some statistics to show the impact that my work is having on reaching, equipping and sending students.

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