Today, the Campus Ministry in Hungary is going to have an outreach at a downtown student cafe. The subject of the outreach is the Da Vinci Code book and movie.

The ministry in Hungary has translated Josh McDowell’s magazine concerning the DaVinci code and have distributed close to 1000 and hope to give out another 3000.

While passing out the magazines, the Hungarian staff have invited students to a DaVinci Code presentation by Danny Loe, who is on staff with Campus Crusade’s theological team. He is going to speak on the DaVinci controversy and also present the Gospel to all the students present. They will also give an invitation to receive Christ.

So please pray that may kids would come and that many would hear the true teachings of Christ, probably for the first time in their lives.You can find out more about this outreach at my friend Laci’s website.

See my earlier post about the Da Vinci Code magazine