Most of the international staff of Campus Crusade for Christ do not own a personal computer. Of those who do own one, most do not have internet access in their homes. For many of our staff, their office and connection to the world is a local internet café.

In an effort to improve the effective of our staff, our Global Technology Office developed a “Mobile Office.” This tool allows staff to use internet cafes, without the worry of not having programs they need.

They just need to plug in their Mobile Office drive, and work from it as if the computer they are renting is a terminal. All of the programs they need are stored on the password protected USB drive. The Mobile Office kit also contains a headset with microphone that allows our staff to use services like Skype to communicate with other staff around the world.

This summer, Jeff had the privilege of building 500 of these Mobile Offices for our staff in Latin America. It was a great way for Jeff to use his technical skills to help empower staff who are reaching millions of people in the Southern Hemisphere.

[Photo courtesy of Rob Williams ]