Newest Website :: CM2007
August 11th, 2006 :: Posted by Jeff

My latest design project was to build a website for CM2007. CM2007 is Campus Crusade for Christ’s first global student missions conference and it will be held next summer in South Korea.

Much as the Student Volunteer Movement launched a wave of college students to the world as missionaries, Campus Crusade is trusting God for a new outpouring at CM2007. We believe God will use CM2007 to raise up a new generation of student and staff Leaders who will walk surrendered and intimate lives with Christ, be equipped and motivated as movement builders and commit to taking the gospel to the students and campuses of their nations and the world.

It is one of the most fun designs that I have ever created. I was inspired by the logo that was created by a Korean firm. One of the features of the website is video. There is a video that captures the spirit behind the conference and vignettes from Campus Crusade leaders from around the world.

Marcia’s Story – Updated with Picture of Inez
August 7th, 2006 :: Posted by Jeff

Marcia (center in the picture) is one of the students that went on the mission trip I led to Budapest in March. She had a great time as we went into the classrooms and built relationships with Hungarian teenagers.

One of the girls Marcia met was Inez (on the right in the picture). Marcia invited Inez to SpeakOut, a summer English camp outreach. At the end of our time in Budapest, Marcia felt called to apply to be part of the SpeakOut staff this summer.

Inez showed up the third week of the camps and was put into Marcia’s tutor group. Here is what Marcia wrote at midweek of the camp:

This week has been a challenge. For all of you who went to Budapest this spring, Teó and Inez are here. Inez is my camper. PRAY for them.They are 14 and breaking my heart. They’re just into lots of drinking and partying it’s no good. They found them outside fairly intoxicated. Pray for them and for me as it is breaking my heart and spiritually exhausting.

What Marcia didn’t know is what was going on in Inez’s heart. Through the week she realizes her life is going no where (her desires for attention from boys, going out drinking with friends, etc… ) and she wants more out of life. Marcia continues to express love and acceptance to her and talks with her about the gospel. At the end of the week, Inez puts her faith in Christ! The Hungarian team in Budapest will be following her up and getting her involved in their ministry this Fall.

Many other students came to SpeakOut this summer as a result of our mission trip to Budapest in March. Each day as we spoke with classrooms of Hungarian students, we invited them to come to the English camps this summer. It is exciting to see how God continues the process that we were a privilege to be a part of.

Read more about the Budapest Spring Project and/or our family’s experience at SpeakOut last summer. Also, my friend Laci posted some pictures from this summer’s SpeakOut outreach on Flickr.

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