Jeff Returns to Hungary
March 7th, 2006 :: Posted by Jeff

On Saturday, I will leave for Budapest, Hungary for a a week of outreach in Hungarian public high schools. My team includes one other Campus Crusade for Christ staff member and 9 teenagers for the Orlando area. Several of them were on the same mission project with our family this past summer in Hungary.

Each day, we will be going to different schools and speaking in 2-3 classrooms. We will be using American culture as a platform to talk about our lives and the difference God has made in them.

We will be working with the local Campus Crusade ministry team of Hungarians and Americans. Our time in Hungary will have a long-term impact as their team continues to follow up on the relationships we build and involve the Hungarian students in the high school ministry in Budapest.

I am planning to post updates about our trip while in Hungary. I will also be posting a prayer guide that you can download and join us in prayer for God’s work in the lives of Hungarian teenagers.

Responding to The Da Vinci Code
February 16th, 2006 :: Posted by Jeff

As early as February, trailers for the controversial movie, The Da Vinci Code, began to be shown in theaters and TV commercials. While Campus Crusade is not encouraging nor discouraging anyone to either read the book or see the movie, we want to be a spiritual resource to Christians everywhere as we dialogue on these important issues of life and faith.

“This movie raises the question ‘Who is Jesus Christ?’” states Mark Gauthier, National Director of the U.S. Campus Ministry of Campus Crusade. “That question opens the door for dialogue between believers and others to understand the life-changing message of Jesus.???

Campus Crusade has produced a 20 page “mini??? magazine entitled The Da Vinci Code: A Companion Guide to the Movie (pictured to the right). Josh McDowell is publishing a mass market paperback, The Da Vinci Code: A Quest for Answers. You can find out more about these resources at

We are beginning to equip thousands of college students to use the magazine as they interact with friends and family. I created a section on GodSquad to highlight different resources and strategies both to engage the culture and strengthen the faith of Christians.

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